-Includes information that addresses fees, working with various spaces and curators
-Advice and observations regarding your application material such as images, cv and artist statement.
-Your work, website and how your social media impacts or does NOT impact you.
-What do Open Calls REALLY provide for artists and how to make them work for you.
-After purchasing you will receive a download link and email ink that includes a high-res printable .PDF for hassle-free printing or save it!
I have spent years applying to Open Calls, sometimes having work accepted and other times not. Over the past few years, I have served as a juror for various spaces and publications.
I've juried for biennials, publications, awards, non-profit spaces, colleges and, of course, I Like Your Work. It's been a journey being behind the scenes and I have learned some dos and don'ts that I wish I would have known at the start. It would have made the process less daunting and less mysterious.
The tips and observations I've included are from my personal experience and from what I've learned from other artists and jurors. These observations are meant to help you as you approach new opportunities and make the most of them.