Yura Adams
Casey Baden
Jenny Brown
Matt Coombs
Jeremiah Dine
Heather Drayzen
Ryan Erickson
Elizabeth Barick Fall
Beka Goedde
Aleya Hoerlein
Dan Huston
Elsie Kagan
Debbi Kenote
Heidi Lanino
Madison LaVallee
MaryKate Maher
Chris Moss
Katie Neece
Megan Nugroho
Aly Ogasian and Claudia O’Steen
Anna Ortiz
Sarah Pedlow
Thomas Pilnik
Rebecca Poarch
Mia Risberg
Emily Roz
Rebecca Stern
Taro Takizawa
Judi Tavill
Denise Treizman
Louis Watts
At the Party
The colorful sculpture of Denise Triezman and Mia Risberg’s quiet drawing are sitting together on the couch, realizing despite their wild differences, they have a million things to talk about. Chris Moss’ painting is pouring drinks and catching you up on what you missed, while Taro Takizawa’s print and Anna Ortiz’s paintings are in a corner having a serious discussion about the role of patience in their practice. At the Party there are works with sweeping qualities of precision, meditative beauty, humor and flirtation.
This collection of insightful personas come together after a spell of quietness and disorientation in the world. It is inspiring to know that these artists continued to not only create but also share with us the works of their innate curiosity in motion. Their marks, both intentional and abstracted, capture a moment of their minds. This is curiosity sparking work and I want to spend time with each one. These are artists that enrich souls, inspire and create, and have done so beautifully.
Art is mindful, naughty, loud and still. That’s the beauty of bringing artists together in one exhibit- some artists left with a drink in hand, high in spirit, while others slipped away without saying goodbye. No matter how they left, they left a gracious and surprising lasting impression.
Jane Kang Lawrence