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A virtual exhibition that showcases the diverse works and artists who recently participated in an inspiring retreat in Oaxaca, Mexico. This retreat allowed our artists to connect with the local culture, explore the stunning landscapes, and embrace creativity in all its mediums. The result is a collection of remarkable art pieces that capture the essence of our time sharing this space together.


Colleen Graham

Leah Gundrum

Lisa Hutler

Maria Jofre

Sole Jofre Bellagamba

Sole Jofre Bellagamba

Compassion Sky Colored and lead pencil 17"x14"

Colleen Graham

Colleen Graham

“Flotante” (Floating) Oil paint on paper 30” x 22”

Lisa Hutler

Lisa Hutler

Skewed Mixotec Quincunx or Altitude Sickness Atop Atzompa Acrylic on panel 12" x 12"

Lisa Hutler

Lisa Hutler

La Casa Flor de Loto I 12"x9"

Lisa Hutler

Lisa Hutler

Study for Oaxaca Ceramic Landscape Setting

Colleen Graham

Colleen Graham

Una nueva vida” (A new life) Oil paint on paper 30” x 22”

Leah Gundram

Leah Gundram

Jardín de la luna llena

Colleen Graham

Colleen Graham

Desconocida” (Unknown) Oil paint on paper 30” x 22”

Artist Bios

Colleen Graham

Colleen Graham is a contemporary American artist living in New Hampshire. Her current series of oil paintings are an exploration of emotions felt from loss and grief. Using multi-layered colors and stacking shapes she creates a tiny universe of underwater sea life. Colleen Graham received a BA in Fine Art in 1977 from the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts and studied printmaking at the Parsons School of Design in New York. She established printmaking studios while living in Holland, Canada, Florida and New Hampshire. Her work is included in several public and private collections in the United States, Canada, Holland and France.

Leah Gundram

Leah Gundrum is an artist hailing from New England, currently residing in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. With a diverse background in biochemistry and extensive experience in embryology labs, Leah's artistic journey has been shaped by her scientific roots. As she currently pursues her masters in landscape architecture, Leah's multidisciplinary background serves as a wellspring of inspiration for her creative practice, which predominantly manifests in acrylic paintings. Fascinated by the cyclical nature of existence, Leah delves into the contrasting timelines of the human life and the intricate lives of organisms of nature. Through her art, she invites viewers to contemplate the interconnectedness found within these parallel worlds.

Lisa Hutler

Lisa Hutler is a painter and mixed media artist in Chicago. She specializes in abstraction and encaustic art. Lisa holds a BFA (’94) and CCAE (’98) from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she later attended Columbia College to work on an MFA in Interactive Mixed Media and Storytelling. Lisa has shown both regionally and internationally, her current body of work aims to depict how one evolves from trauma. Most often framing the teacher-student trauma that exists from the struggle of stacked violence in the inner city and how one keeps going; with intent or through a fog. Prints and original work can be purchased by request from her Instagram and ever-elusive and in-flux website, 

Sole Jofre Bellagamba

Sole Jofre Bellagamba is a Chilean-American artist living and working in Miramar, FL. Her drawings play with shapes, textures, movement and objects found in everyday life that interweave with questions of meaning, spirituality and existential reflections. She studied fine arts at Cooper Union in New York City where she first began nurturing her love of abstraction while refining her drawing abilities. She later worked and collaborated within the fashion industry absorbing textiles and textures into her drawing practice. She is currently working on a new body of work where she seeks to establish a more intuitive relationship to color, shape and form.

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