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Curator Kate Mothes: Tips for Applying to Shows, Posting on Social Media, and Curating YoungSpace

Writer: Erika b HessErika b Hess

Updated: Jan 10, 2020

Kate Mothes is an independent curator and founder of Young Space, an extremely successful online exhibition space that also partners with galleries. In this episode, we cover tons of helpful info for artists looking to apply to juried shows from how to contact curators, what to share, and studio visits. Kate talks about why she started Young Space and what she looks for when curating an exhibition. Kate is extremely generous with her knowledge and is such a supporter of artists! You will have a great time hearing from her!

She received a Masters in Art History, Theory, and Display from Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh, and her Bachelors in Art History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to yngspc online exhibitions, selected recent exhibitions include Wolves by the Road at Assembly House, Leeds, England; I Could Go On Forever at PADA Studios, Lisbon, Portugal; Run Straight Through at Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, California; and Crocodile Tears during Greenpoint Open Studios in Brooklyn, New York.

Instagram TV-Kate's Top 5 Social Media Tips For Artists

Wolves by the Road, Assembly House, Leeds

Crocodile Tears- Green Point Open Studios

Young Space Mission: To promote, support and collaborate with emerging contemporary artists, encourage transparency, and to engage artists, students and the community in meaningful dialogue through unique content and projects.

Check out Young Spaces upcoming Exhibition Night Garden Oct 21-November 10 the yngspc autumn 2019 online exhibition. URL announced soon!

Kate Mothes Studio Visit with Daisy Parris in London

Kate Mothes Studio Visit with Anna Liber Lewis

Crocodile Tears- Green Point Open Studios

Young Space is delighted to present Crocodile Tears, a group exhibition that brings together the work of 21 artists from around the US and Europe.

Wolves by the Road, Assembly House, Leeds

​Emma Fineman, Aly Helyer, Yulia Iosilzon, Francisco Rodriguez and Anna Jung Seo.

Curated by Kate Mothes.


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