I had the incredible fortune to meet up with Sharon Louden in Queens a couple of weeks ago to talk about her work and I had such a wonderful time! Sharon is an artist, educator, advocate for artists, editor of the Living and Sustaining a Creative Life series of books and the Artistic Director of the Visual Arts at Chautauqua Institution. In this interview, we talk about her work, sharing opportunities, and her new opportunity that she is sharing as the artistic director of the visual arts at Chautauqua Institution. The School of Art at Chautauqua is an incubator of inclusive and expansive programming in the visual arts composed of classes, workshops and one-on-one time with mentors covering all media.
Sharon Louden: https://www.sharonlouden.com/
Sharon Louden Live Sustain: https://www.livesustain.org/
Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists https://www.livesustain.org/essays-by-40-working-artists
The Artist as Culture Producer: Living and Sustaining a Creative Life https://www.livesustain.org/artist-as-culture-producer
Hrag Vartanian: www.hragvartananian.com
Two Old Bitches Podcast: www.twooldbitches.com
Jean Shin: www.Jeanshin.com Chautauqua: www.art.chq.org Colleen Kelsey: www.https://www.colleenkelseyart.com/ Mel Prest: http://www.melprest.com/
Wyoming Arts Council: https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/
Bridgette Mayer Coaching: http://bridgettemayer.com/
The Art Cure: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Cure-Memoir-Abuse-Fortune/dp/1619614987
Bridgette Mayer Gallery: http://www.bridgettemayergallery.com/
Bridgette Mayer Consulting: http://www.bridgettemayerartadvisors.com/
Eps 16 Bridgette Mayer: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/eps-16-gallerist-entrepreneur-bridget-mayer-not-giving/id1436361262?i=1000426657420&mt=2
Eps 3 Kerri Ammirata: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/eps-3-artist-kerri-ammirata-finding-your-center-in/id1436361262?i=1000420702041&mt=2
