I am excited to talk to the NYC based artist Melissa Meyer. Melissa received undergraduate and graduate degrees from New York University. Her development has been surveyed in traveling exhibitions originating at the New York Studio School and Swarthmore College. She has completed public commissions in New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Her work is in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Brooklyn Museum, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, the Jewish Museum, and the McNay Art Museum. Meyer received the Rome Prize from the American Academy in Rome, and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Pollock-Krasner Foundation.
Thank you to Producer Vinson Valega for sponsoring this episode: https://www.vinsonvalega.com/
Artists and Links from the Show:
The Esopus Magazine 22 https://www.esopus.org/issues/view/22
Menu Collection at NYU https://library.nyu.edu/locations/fales-library-special-collections/
Nina Yankowitz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Yankowitz
Joyce Kozloff http://www.joycekozloff.net/forming
Heresies https://archive.org/details/heresies_magazine
MIRIAM SCHAPIRO AND MELISSA MEYER Waste Not Want Not: An Inquiry into What Women Saved and Assembled--FEMMAGE (1977-78) https://users.wfu.edu/~laugh/painting2/femmage.pdf
MAD museum of meriem shipario http://dujour.com/culture/miriam-schapiro-at-mad-museum-nyc/
Andrew Mockler Jungle Press https://www.junglepress.com/
Rome Prize https://www.aarome.org/apply/rome-prize/application
Yaddo https://www.yaddo.org/
Helen Frankenthaler https://www.moma.org/artists/1974
Dana Frankfort http://danafrankfort.com/
Jean Dubufet https://paintersonpaintings.com/melissa-meyer-remembers-jean-dubuffet-at-the-jeu-de-paume-1991/
Robert Blackburn https://www.rbpmw-efanyc.org/
