During this time of social isolation and therefore more time at home, I wanted to give you tools that you can use! But before we get to that I want to say, I hope you guys are doing ok! For those of you living alone, I am thinking you! Feel free to reach out on Instagram to say hi and to all of you who have friends who live alone, make sure to check in on them. While a lot of us are used to working alone, this is a whole new ballgame and checking in on our creative friends is important.
Ok, so now time for the tools! A lot of you might be away from your studio or finding you have more time on your hands, so while organizing your art info might not be your first choice in things to do, this could be a great way to spend some time.
You may have heard me talk about this, but I really love organizing information which is why I created the Studio Planner (you can read about why and the first version w duct tape here). I also like organizing my art info. Images, CVs, price lists, press packets...I know, I'm one of those people. The good thing is I'm one of those people who also likes to share! I have a system and templates that I've found works pretty well and thought it is something you could use.
Pricelists are something that we all need and I frequently update mine with new work, for a certain exhibition or I have a price list of small work, large work, etc. Here is a template I made on Canva for price lists and image lists. Canva is a free site that I use all the time to make images for the podcast etc. This isn't an affiliate link rather just something I use and you may already be using. Before I used photoshop for my pricelist but it was a pain in the**. You may be a photoshop pro, but for me, I would get confused on which text layer was which, which tiny image was which and feel like I was wasting time. This is sooooooo much easier bc it's a drag and drop. You simply drop your images into the image space and click on the text box to update the text. You can also change the font etc.
If you need a price list or image list, you can click here to go to the page to download it for free! Sending you lots of healthy vibes and I will talk to you soon!
