Check out the the 2023 Summer Exhibition Catalog, Esprit de l’escalier, from I Like Your Work. The art catalog is curated by Alicia Puig, and features top emerging artists from around the world. With full color art throughout, you'll be inspired by the creativity and talent
This exhibition and catalog features the amazing work by these artists:
Heidi Brueckner
Alexandra Carter
KC Christmas
Charles Clary
Andrea Connell
Judith Geher
Ahna Girshick
Julia C R Gray
Julia Hacker
Heather Jacks
Sarah Jacobs
Nicole James
Marlene Lowden
Claire McConaughy
Alexandra McLaughlin
Jennifer Mohr
Wowser Ng
Kelsey Overstreet
Kara Patrowicz
Joanna Poag
Heather Robinson
Bree Smith
Amy Spassov
Julia Katz Terry
Holly Trout
Kelly S. Williams
Loktung Wong
Holly Wong
Nasir Young
Mary Younkin
"Esprit de l’escalier" Summer Exhibition Catalog (2023)