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"Radiate & Repeat" Spring Exhibition Catalog (2023)

Check out the Spring 23 Catalog, Radiate & Repeat,  from I Like Your Work. The art catalog is curated by Christina Massey, and features top emerging artists from around the world. With full color art throughout, you'll be inspired by the creativity and talent


This exhibition and catalog features the amazing work by these artists:

Jessica Alazraki

Randi Bachman

Taylor Bamgbose

Ellen Blum

Alexandra Brock

Connie Brown

Christine Bush Roman

Sarah Canfield

Adam Cardello

Alexandra Chiou

Zoe Cohen

Vita Eruhimovitz

Patricia Fabricant

Alexis Granwell

Valérie Hallier

Carolynn Haydu

Bussie Parker Kehoe

Barbara Kemp Cowlin

Emily Kepulis

Jongbum Kim

Ki Yeun Kim

Susan Klein

Dawn Kramlich

Alison Kudlow

Bonny Leibowitz

John Oliver Lewis

Selena Lozano

Suzanne Moseley & Adrienne Shishko

Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann

Taylor Maroney

Julie Peppito

Tegan Brozyna Roberts

Kayo Shido

Lauren Skelly Bailey

Roxa Smith

Kat Spears

Jacquelyn Strycker

Corrine Yonce

Donna Zarbin-Byrne

Emna Zghal

"Radiate & Repeat" Spring Exhibition Catalog (2023)

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